
本文是对 使用 Rust 开发一个微型游戏【已完结】 cargo new flappy 在Cargo toml的[dependencies]下方增加: bra

本文是对 使用 Rust 开发一个微型游戏【已完结】

cargo new flappy


bracket-lib = "~0.8.7"


use bracket_lib::prelude::*;
struct State {}
impl GameState for State {
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print(1, 1, "Hello,Bracket Terminal!");
fn main() -> BError {
    let context: BTerm = BTermBuilder::simple80x50()
        .with_title("爽哥做游戏--Flappy Dragon")
    main_loop(context, State {})

cargo run后,可以看到

use bracket_lib::prelude::*;
// 游戏3种模式(菜单,游戏中,结束)
enum GameMode {
struct State {
    mode: GameMode,
impl State {
    fn new() -> Self {
        State {
            mode: GameMode::Menu,
    fn play(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        self.mode = GameMode::End;
    fn restart(&mut self) {
        self.mode = GameMode::Playing;
    fn main_menu(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "欢迎来到游戏~");
        ctx.print_centered(8, "Press P key to start Game");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "Press Q to quit Game");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
    fn dead(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "你挂了..");
        ctx.print_centered(8, "按P键 再来一局");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "按Q键 退出游戏");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
impl GameState for State {
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        match self.mode {
            GameMode::Menu => self.main_menu(ctx),
            GameMode::End => self.dead(ctx),
            GameMode::Playing => self.play(ctx),
        // ctx.cls();
        // ctx.print(1, 1, "Hello,Bracket Terminal!");
fn main() -> BError {
    let context: BTerm = BTermBuilder::simple80x50()
        .with_title("爽哥做游戏--Flappy Dragon")
    main_loop(context, State::new())


use bracket_lib::prelude::*;
// 游戏3种模式(菜单,游戏中,结束)
enum GameMode {
const SCREEN_WIDTH: i32 = 80;
const SCREEN_HEIGHT: i32 = 50;
const FRAME_DURATION: f32 = 75.0;
struct Player {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    velocity: f32,
impl Player {
    fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self {
        Player {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            velocity: 0.0,
    fn render(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.set(0, self.y, YELLOW, BLACK, to_cp437('@'));
    fn gravity_and_move(&mut self) {
        if self.velocity < 2.0 {
            self.velocity += 0.2;
        self.y += self.velocity as i32;
        self.x += 1;
        if self.y < 0 {
            self.y = 0;
    fn flap(&mut self) {
        self.velocity = -2.0;
struct State {
    player: Player,
    frame_time: f32,
    mode: GameMode,
impl State {
    fn new() -> Self {
        State {
            player: Player::new(5, 25),
            frame_time: 0.0,
            mode: GameMode::Menu,
    fn play(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        self.frame_time += ctx.frame_time_ms;
        if self.frame_time >= FRAME_DURATION {
            self.frame_time = 0.0;
        // 按空格
        if let Some(VirtualKeyCode::Space) = ctx.key {
        ctx.print(0, 0, "按空格起飞~");
        if self.player.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT {
            self.mode = GameMode::End;
    fn restart(&mut self) {
        self.player = Player::new(5, 25);
        self.frame_time = 0.0;
        self.mode = GameMode::Playing;
    fn main_menu(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "欢迎来到游戏~");
        ctx.print_centered(8, "Press P key to start Game");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "Press Q to quit Game");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
    fn dead(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "你挂了..");
        ctx.print_centered(8, "按P键 再来一局");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "按Q键 退出游戏");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
impl GameState for State {
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        match self.mode {
            GameMode::Menu => self.main_menu(ctx),
            GameMode::End => self.dead(ctx),
            GameMode::Playing => self.play(ctx),
        // ctx.cls();
        // ctx.print(1, 1, "Hello,Bracket Terminal!");
fn main() -> BError {
    let context: BTerm = BTermBuilder::simple80x50()
        .with_title("爽哥做游戏--Flappy Dragon")
    main_loop(context, State::new())


use std::fmt::format;
use bracket_lib::prelude::*;
// 游戏3种模式(菜单,游戏中,结束)
enum GameMode {
const SCREEN_WIDTH: i32 = 80;
const SCREEN_HEIGHT: i32 = 50;
const FRAME_DURATION: f32 = 75.0;
struct Player {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    velocity: f32,
impl Player {
    fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self {
        Player {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            velocity: 0.0,
    fn render(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.set(0, self.y, YELLOW, BLACK, to_cp437('@'));
    fn gravity_and_move(&mut self) {
        if self.velocity < 2.0 {
            self.velocity += 0.2;
        self.y += self.velocity as i32;
        self.x += 1;
        if self.y < 0 {
            self.y = 0;
    fn flap(&mut self) {
        self.velocity = -2.0;
struct State {
    player: Player,
    frame_time: f32,
    mode: GameMode,
    obstacle: Obstacle,
    score: i32,
impl State {
    fn new() -> Self {
        State {
            player: Player::new(5, 25),
            frame_time: 0.0,
            mode: GameMode::Menu,
            obstacle: Obstacle::new(SCREEN_WIDTH, 0),
            score: 0,
    fn play(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        self.frame_time += ctx.frame_time_ms;
        if self.frame_time >= FRAME_DURATION {
            self.frame_time = 0.0;
        // 按空格
        if let Some(VirtualKeyCode::Space) = ctx.key {
        ctx.print(0, 0, "按空格起飞~");
        //  障碍物&积分
        // 实时打印分数
        ctx.print(0, 1, &format!("Score: {}", self.score));
        self.obstacle.render(ctx, self.player.x);
        if self.player.x > self.obstacle.x {
            self.score += 1; // 分数+1
            self.obstacle = Obstacle::new(self.player.x + SCREEN_WIDTH, self.score);
        if self.player.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT || self.obstacle.hit_obstacle(&self.player) {
            self.mode = GameMode::End;
    fn restart(&mut self) {
        self.player = Player::new(5, 25);
        self.frame_time = 0.0;
        self.mode = GameMode::Playing;
        // 重置分数和障碍物
        self.obstacle = Obstacle::new(SCREEN_WIDTH, 0);
        self.score = 0;
    fn main_menu(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "欢迎来到游戏~");
        ctx.print_centered(8, "Press P key to start Game");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "Press Q to quit Game");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
    fn dead(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        ctx.print_centered(5, "你挂了..");
        // 挂了后显示一下分数
        ctx.print_centered(6, &format!("本局获得了 {} 分", self.score));
        ctx.print_centered(8, "按P键 再来一局");
        ctx.print_centered(9, "按Q键 退出游戏");
        if let Some(key) = ctx.key {
            match key {
                VirtualKeyCode::P => self.restart(),
                VirtualKeyCode::Q => ctx.quitting = true,
                _ => {}
impl GameState for State {
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {
        match self.mode {
            GameMode::Menu => self.main_menu(ctx),
            GameMode::End => self.dead(ctx),
            GameMode::Playing => self.play(ctx),
struct Obstacle {
    x: i32,
    gap_y: i32,
    size: i32,
impl Obstacle {
    fn new(x: i32, score: i32) -> Self {
        let mut random: RandomNumberGenerator = RandomNumberGenerator::new();
        Obstacle {
            gap_y: random.range(10, 40),
            size: i32::max(2, 20 - score),
    fn render(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm, player_x: i32) {
        let screen_x = self.x - player_x;
        let half_size = self.size / 2;
        for y in 0..self.gap_y - half_size {
            ctx.set(screen_x, y, RED, BLACK, to_cp437('|'));
        for y in self.gap_y + half_size..SCREEN_HEIGHT {
            ctx.set(screen_x, y, RED, BLACK, to_cp437('|'));
    fn hit_obstacle(&self, player: &Player) -> bool {
        let half_size = self.size / 2;
        let does_x_match = player.x == self.x;
        let player_above_gap = player.y < self.gap_y - half_size;
        let player_below_gap = player.y > self.gap_y + half_size;
        does_x_match && (player_above_gap || player_below_gap)
fn main() -> BError {
    let context: BTerm = BTermBuilder::simple80x50()
        .with_title("爽哥做游戏--Flappy Dragon")
    main_loop(context, State::new())


使用 Rust 开发一个微型游戏【已完结】: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vM411J74S


标签: Rust 游戏