dim a as string a=inputbox("请输入一个字符") select case a case "0" to "9" msgbox "是数字" case "a" to "z","A" to "Z" msgbox "是字母" case else msgbox "是其它字符" end select
2024-11-27 07:18:33
if instr("abcdef....zA....Z",i)>0 then msgbox i & "是英文字母" else if instr("0123456789",i)>0 then msgbox i & "是数字" else msgbox i & "是其他字符" end if
2024-11-27 04:29:45
Private Sub Command1_Click() n = 0 m = 0 k = 0 l = 0 aa = 0 bb = Text1 Do Until Len(bb) = 0 aa = Asc(bb) bb = Right(bb, Len(bb) - 1) Print aa If 97 <= aa And aa <= 122 Then n = n + 1 Else If 65 <= aa And aa <= 90 Then m = m + 1 Else If 48 <= aa And aa <= 57 Then k = k + 1 Else l = l + 1 End If End If End If Loop Print "小写字母为"; n; "个" Print "大写字母为"; m; "个" Print "数字为"; k; "个" Print "特殊符号为"; l; "个" End Sub