

2024-09-03 08:42:53

redis允许客户端以TCP方式连接,默认6379端口。传输数据都以\r\n结尾。 请求格式 *<number of arguments>\r\n$<number of bytes of argument 1>\r\n<argument data>\r\n 例:*1\r\n$4\r\nINFO\r\n 响应格式 1:简单字符串,非二进制安全字符串,一般是状态回复。 +开头,例:+OK\r\n 2: 错误信息。          -开头, 例:-ERR unknown command 'mush'\r\n 3: 整型数字。 :开头, 例::1\r\n 4:大块回复值,最大512M。 $开头+数据长度。 例:$4\r\mush\r\n 5:多条回复。 *开头, 例:*2\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n 基础通信 定义配置类: public class Configuration { public string Host { get; set; } public int Port { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Socket 是否正在使用 Nagle 算法。 /// </summary> public bool NoDelaySocket { get; set; } public Configuration() { Host = "localhost"; Port = 6379; NoDelaySocket = false; } } 实现socket连接: public class RedisBaseClient { //配置文件 private Configuration configuration; //通信socket private Socket socket; //接收字节数组 private byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[100000]; public RedisBaseClient(Configuration config) { configuration = config; } public RedisBaseClient() : this(new Configuration()) { } public void Connect() { if (socket != null && socket.Connected) return; socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { NoDelay = configuration.NoDelaySocket }; socket.Connect(configuration.Host, configuration.Port); if (socket.Connected) return; Close(); } /// <summary> /// 关闭client /// </summary> public void Close() { socket.Disconnect(false); socket.Close(); } } 调用: RedisBaseClient redis = new RedisBaseClient(); redis.Connect(); 服务端成功响应:    状态命令 定义Redis命令枚举: public enum RedisCommand { GET, //获取一个key的值 INFO, //Redis信息。 SET, //添加一个值 EXPIRE, //设置过期时间 MULTI, //标记一个事务块开始 EXEC, //执行所有 MULTI 之后发的命令 } 发送命令构建: public string SendCommand(RedisCommand command, params string[] args) { //请求头部格式, *<number of arguments>\r\n const string headstr = "*{0}\r\n"; //参数信息 $<number of bytes of argument N>\r\n<argument data>\r\n const string bulkstr = "${0}\r\n{1}\r\n"; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(headstr, args.Length + 1); var cmd = command.ToString(); sb.AppendFormat(bulkstr, cmd.Length, cmd); foreach (var arg in args) { sb.AppendFormat(bulkstr, arg.Length, arg); } byte[] c = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()); try { Connect(); socket.Send(c); socket.Receive(ReceiveBuffer); Close(); return ReadData(); } catch (SocketException e) { Close(); } return null; } private string ReadData() { var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ReceiveBuffer); char c = data[0]; //错误消息检查。 if (c == '-') //异常处理。 throw new Exception(data); //状态回复。 if (c == '+') return data; return data; }