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.net c#中static关键字是什么意思,还有,动态方法是哪个关键字,是什么意思了

兄弟姐妹有没有人讲详细点的,我想讲解下,.net c#中static关键字是什么意思,还有,动态方法是哪个关键字,是什么意思了

2024-10-17 09:28:52

static 表示这个变量或者方法是静态的。静态的变量或者方法是不需要实例化类,就可以访问的。而动态方法,可能就是没加static的,默认就是动态的,呵呵,这样的方法或者成员变量,需要实例化了类之后才可以访问。


2024-10-17 10:50:14

使用 static 修饰符声明属于类型本身而不是属于特定对象的静态成员。static 修饰符可用于类、字段、方法、属性、运算符、事件和构造函数,但不能用于索引器、析构函数或类以外的类型。

使用 DynamicMethod 类(.NET Framework 2.0 版中的新类)创建的动态方法为在运行时发出静态方法提供了增强的功能。动态方法通过多种方式扩展 Reflection.Emit 命名空间中的类型的功能:




4.如果具有足够的安全权限,它们允许代码跳过实时 (JIT) 可见性检查并访问对象的私有的和受保护的数据。

动态方法可以使用 ILGenerator 对象发出 Microsoft 中间语言 (MSIL)。此外,动态方法还可以使用 DynamicILInfo 对象处理元数据标记和允许复杂客户端执行自己的 MSIL 生成的范围。

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

public class Example
// The following constructor and private field are used to
// demonstrate a method bound to an object.
private int test;
public Example(int test) { this.test = test; }

// Declare delegates that can be used to execute the completed
// SquareIt dynamic method. The OneParameter delegate can be
// used to execute any method with one parameter and a return
// value, or a method with two parameters and a return value
// if the delegate is bound to an object.
private delegate long SquareItInvoker(int input);

private delegate TReturn OneParameter<TReturn, TParameter0>
(TParameter0 p0);

public static void Main()
// Example 1: A simple dynamic method.
// Create an array that specifies the parameter types for the
// dynamic method. In this example the only parameter is an
// int, so the array has only one element.
Type[] methodArgs = { typeof(int) };

// Create a DynamicMethod. In this example the method is
// named SquareIt. It is not necessary to give dynamic
// methods names. They cannot be invoked by name, and two
// dynamic methods can have the same name. However, the
// name appears in calls stacks and can be useful for
// debugging.
// In this example the return type of the dynamic method
// is long. The method is associated with the module that
// contains the Example class. Any loaded module could be
// specified. The dynamic method is like a module-level
// static method.
DynamicMethod squareIt = new DynamicMethod(

// Emit the method body. In this example ILGenerator is used
// to emit the MSIL. DynamicMethod has an associated type
// DynamicILInfo that can be used in conjunction with
// unmanaged code generators.
// The MSIL loads the argument, which is an int, onto the
// stack, converts the int to a long, duplicates the top
// item on the stack, and multiplies the top two items on the
// stack. This leaves the squared number on the stack, and
// all the method has to do is return.
ILGenerator il = squareIt.GetILGenerator();

// Create a delegate that represents the dynamic method.
// Creating the delegate completes the method, and any further
// attempts to change the method (for example, by adding more
// MSIL) are ignored. The following code uses a generic
// delegate that can produce delegate types matching any
// single-parameter method that has a return type.
OneParameter<long, int> invokeSquareIt =
(OneParameter<long, int>)
squareIt.CreateDelegate(typeof(OneParameter<long, int>));

Console.WriteLine("123456789 squared = {0}",

// Example 2: A dynamic method bound to an instance.
// Create an array that specifies the parameter types for a
// dynamic method. If the delegate representing the method
// is to be bound to an object, the first parameter must
// match the type the delegate is bound to. In the following
// code the bound instance is of the Example class.
Type[] methodArgs2 = { typeof(Example), typeof(int) };

// Create a DynamicMethod. In this example the method has no
// name. The return type of the method is int. The method
// has access to the protected and private data of the
// Example class.
DynamicMethod multiplyHidden = new DynamicMethod(

// Emit the method body. In this example ILGenerator is used
// to emit the MSIL. DynamicMethod has an associated type
// DynamicILInfo that can be used in conjunction with
// unmanaged code generators.
// The MSIL loads the first argument, which is an instance of
// the Example class, and uses it to load the value of a
// private instance field of type int. The second argument is
// loaded, and the two numbers are multiplied. If the result
// is larger than int, the value is truncated and the most
// significant bits are discarded. The method returns, with
// the return value on the stack.
ILGenerator ilMH = multiplyHidden.GetILGenerator();

FieldInfo testInfo = typeof(Example).GetField("test",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

ilMH.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, testInfo);

// Create a delegate that represents the dynamic method.
// Creating the delegate completes the method, and any further
// attempts to change the method for example, by adding more
// MSIL are ignored.
// The following code binds the method to a new instance
// of the Example class whose private test field is set to 42.
// That is, each time the delegate is invoked the instance of
// Example is passed to the first parameter of the method.
// The delegate OneParameter is used, because the first
// parameter of the method receives the instance of Example.
// When the delegate is invoked, only the second parameter is
// required.
OneParameter<int, int> invoke = (OneParameter<int, int>)
typeof(OneParameter<int, int>),
new Example(42)

Console.WriteLine("3 * test = {0}", invoke(3));
/* This code example produces the following output:

123456789 squared = 15241578750190521
3 * test = 126

2024-10-17 11:50:38

声明 类或者变量为静态



2024-10-17 14:31:10
