安装环境为:最小化安装的centos7,关闭seliunx。 最小化安装centos: 关闭selinux sed –i ‘s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g’ /etc/selinux/config
开始安装nginx1.7.8 创建群组 groupadd www 创建一个用户,不允许登陆和不创主目录 useradd -s /sbin/nologin -g www -M www #下载最新版nginx wget -C tar zxvf nginx-1.7.8.tar.gz #编译基本能运行的nginx ./configure --user=www --group=www --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module make make install
如果有错误提示: ./configure: error: C compiler cc is not found 解决方法: yum install gcc gcc-c++
如果有错误提示: ./configure: error: the HTTP rewrite module requires the PCRE library. You can either disable the module by using –without-http_rewrite_module option, or install the PCRE library into the system, or build the PCRE library statically from the source with nginx by using –with-pcre=<path> option. 解决方法: yum install pcre-devel
如果有错误提示: ./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenSSL library.