1、简单的单列 #!/bin/sh sqlplus 'user001/12345678'<< EOF set define off set hea off spool vip1.txt select username from ACCOUNT where LEVEL=7; spool off quit; EOF sed -i 's/[ ]*//g' ~/vip1.txt sed -i '/^$/d' ~/vip1.txt sed -i '1d' ~/vip1.txt sed -i '$d' ~/vip1.txt scp -P22 ~/vip1.txt root@ 2、复杂的多列 #!/bin/sh cid=$1; today=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M` ym=`date +%Y%m` ymd=`date -d -1days +%Y%m%d` last_ym=`date -d last-month +%Y%m` next_ym=`date -d next-month +%Y%m` file=chat_recorder_${cid}_20140707-11.xls
if [[ $1 == '' ]];then echo "Usage: $0 company_id " exit 0; fi sqlplus 'user002/12345678' << EOF set linesize 200 set term off verify off feedback off pagesize 999 set markup html on entmap ON spool on preformat off alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; spool ${file} select a.*,b.* from recorder_${ym} a,t_${ym} b where a.company_id='$cid' and a.create_time between TO_DATE('2014-07-07 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and TO_DATE('2014-07-12 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and a.chat_id=b.chat_id order by b.chat_id ; spool off quit; EOF sed -i '/select/d' $file zip -r ${file}.zip $file scp -P22 ${file}.zip root@