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react-router 4.0这个路由怎么配置

兄弟有没有人讲详细点的,我想说下,react-router 4.0这个路由怎么配置

2024-04-20 07:20:21

ReactRouter是由Ryan Florence开发的应用于ReactJS的路由组件,它通过定义ReactJS组件<Routes>及相关子组件来实现页面路由的映射、参数的解析和传递。
var ReactRouter = require('react-router');
var Routes = ReactRouter.Routes;
var Route = ReactRouter.Route;

var routes = (
<Routes location="hash">
<Route path="/" handler={App}>
<Route path="books" name="bookList" handler={Books}/>
<Route path="movies" name="movieList" handler={Movies}/>
与之前版本不同,在 react-router4 中,渲染<redirect>组件会直接跳转到目标位置。from 属性仅用于<redirect>包裹着<Switch> 组件中的时候。
Rendering a <Redirect> will navigate to a new location. The new location will override the current location in the history stack, like server-side redirects (HTTP 3xx) do
<Redirect to="/somewhere/else"/> // render 该组件发生跳转

From: A pathname to redirect from. This can only be used to match a location when rendering a <Redirect> inside of a <Switch>. See <Switch children> for more details.

<Redirect from='/old-path' to='/new-path'/>
<Route path='/new-path' component={Place}/>