场景里, 有时需要在代码里获取远程服务器的某些数据, 或执行一些查询命令,如获取Linux系统版本号 \ 获取CPU及内存的占用等, 本章记录一下使用paramiko模块SSH连接服务器的方法
1. 先安装paramiko库
pip3 install paramiko
2. 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 """ # :author: Terry Li # :url: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42183962 # :copyright: © 2020-present Terry Li # :motto: I believe that the God rewards the diligent. """ import paramiko class cfg: host = "" user = "root" password = "123456" class sshChannel: def __init__(self, cfg_obj, timeout_s=5, port=22): self._cfg = cfg_obj self.ssh_connect_timeout = timeout_s self.port = port self.ssh = self.connect_server() def connect_server(self): ssh_cli = paramiko.SSHClient() key = paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() ssh_cli.set_missing_host_key_policy(key) try: ssh_cli.connect(self._cfg.host, port=self.port, username=self._cfg.user, password=self._cfg.password, timeout=self.ssh_connect_timeout) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: print("连接{}失败, 请检查配置或重试".format(self._cfg.host)) ssh_cli.close() return ssh_cli def execute_cmd(self, cmd): """ :param cmd: 单个命令 :return: 服务器的输出信息 """ stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd) self.ssh.close() return stdout.read().decode('utf-8') def execute_cmd_list(self, cmd_list): """ :param cmd: 命令列表 :return: 服务器的输出信息的列表 """ out_list = list(map(self.execute_cmd, cmd_list)) return out_list def test_get_sys_version(self): sys_version = self.execute_cmd("lsb_release -rd") print(sys_version) def test_get_sys_disk_free_and_memory_free(self): sys_info = self.execute_cmd_list(["df -h -BG /", "free -m"]) print(sys_info) if __name__ == '__main__': server = sshChannel(cfg) server.test_get_sys_version() server.test_get_sys_disk_free_and_memory_free()