* Microsoft Windows .doc File Malformed Pointers DoS *
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* Just move your mouse on the file and explorer crashes. If it does not try *
* to look at file properties. *
* Bug comes from Ole32.dll: *
* CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX EBX],3 and we can set EAX, EDX and ESI with arbitrary *
* values. *
* *
* Check the file, magic offsets are *
* 4460 -> EDX *
* 4519 -> ESI *
* *
* *
* Successfully tested on Windows 2000 SP4 FR and XP SP2 FR. *
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* Coded by Marsu <MarsupilamiPowa@hotmail.fr> *
以上就是MS Windows (.doc File) Malformed Pointers Denial of Service Exploit 。路不到山穷水尽时,不要绝望;景非到柳暗花明处,不会惊人。更多关于MS Windows (.doc File) Malformed Pointers Denial of Service Exploit 请关注haodaima.com其它相关文章!