
1 function testExecResultType() {2 var txt = "mom and dad and baby";
 1 function testExecResultType() {
 2             var txt = "mom and dad and baby";
 3             var pattern = /mom (and day (and baby)?)?/ig;
 4             var match = pattern.exec(txt);
 5             document.writeln("<br>match's type is instanceof array:" + (match instanceof Array));
 6             document.writeln("<br>Array.isArray(matches):" + Array.isArray(match));
 7         }
 9         function testTelNum() {
10             var p1 = /^1\d{10}$/g;
11             var pattern = new RegExp(p1.source, "g");
12             var telNum1 = "13088888888";
13             var telNum2 = "13300008888";
14             document.writeln("<br>" + telNum1 + " is telNum:" + pattern.test(telNum1));
15             pattern.lastIndex = 0;
16             document.writeln("<br>" + telNum2 + " is telNum:" + pattern.test(telNum2));
17         }
19         function testIfIsPatternObjectIsGlobal() {
20             var p = /\w+@\w+\.com/g;
21             var mail = "";
22             document.writeln("<br>" + mail + " is mail?" + p.test(mail));
23             document.writeln("<br>lastIndex: " + p.lastIndex);
24             p = /^1\d{10}/g;
25             document.writeln("<br>lastIndex: " + p.lastIndex);
26             var telNum = "13088888888";
27             document.writeln("<br>" + telNum +" is telNum? " + p.test(telNum));            
28         }
29         testIfIsPatternObjectIsGlobal();
30         //testTelNum();
31         //testExecResultType();

