实例讲解JSP Model2体系结构(中)

理解“音乐无国界”   “音乐无国界”的主界面是JSP页 Eshop.jsp(见代码清单1)。你会注意到,这个页面几乎只作为专门的用户界面,不承担任何处理任务――是一个最理想的JSP方案。另外,请注意另一个JSP页Cart.jsp(见代码清单2)被Eshop.jsp通过指令<jsp:include page="Cart.jsp" flush="true" />包含于其中。   代码清单 1:EShop.jsp   <%@ page session="true" %>   <html>   <head>    <title>Music Without Borders</title>   </head>   <body bgcolor="#33CCFF">    <font face="Times New Roman,Times" size="+3">    Music Without Borders    </font>    <hr><p>    <center>    <form name="shoppingForm"    action="/examples/servlet/ShoppingServlet"    method="POST">    <b>CD:</b>    <select name=CD>    <option>Yuan | The Guo Brothers | China | $14.95</option>    <option>Drums of Passion | Babatunde Olatunji | Nigeria | $16.95</option>    <option>Kaira | Tounami Diabate| Mali | $16.95</option>    <option>The Lion is Loose | Eliades Ochoa | Cuba | $13.95</option>    <option>Dance the Devil Away | Outback | Australia | $14.95</option>    <option>Record of Changes | Samulnori | Korea | $12.95</option>    <option>Djelika | Tounami Diabate | Mali | $14.95</option>    <option>Rapture | Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan | Pakistan | $12.95</option>    <option>Cesaria Evora | Cesaria Evora | Cape Verde | $16.95</option>    <option>Ibuki | Kodo | Japan | $13.95</option>    </select>    <b>Quantity: </b><input type="text" name="qty" SIZE="3" value=1>    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ADD">    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add to Cart">    </form>    </center>    <p>    <jsp:include page="Cart.jsp" flush="true" />   </body>   </html>   代码清单 2:Cart.jsp   <%@ page session="true" import="java.util.*, shopping.CD" %>   <%    Vector buylist = (Vector) session.getValue("shopping.shoppingcart");    if (buylist != null && (buylist.size() > 0)) {   %>   <center>   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">    <tr>    <td><b>ALBUM</b></td>    <td><b>ARTIST</b></td>    <td><b>COUNTRY</b></td>    <td><b>PRICE</b></td>    <td><b>QUANTITY</b></td>    <td></td>    </tr>    <%    for (int index=0; index < buylist.size();index++) {    CD anOrder = (CD) buylist.elementAt(index);    %>    <tr>    <td><b><%= anOrder.getAlbum() %></b></td>    <td><b><%= anOrder.getArtist() %></b></td>    <td><b><%= anOrder.getCountry() %></b></td>    <td><b><%= anOrder.getPrice() %></b></td>    <td><b><%= anOrder.getQuantity() %></b></td>    <td>    <form name="deleteForm"     action="/examples/servlet/ShoppingServlet"     method="POST">    <input type="submit" value="Delete">    <input type="hidden" name= "delindex" value='<%= index %>'>    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="DELETE">    </form>      </td>     </tr>     <% } %>    </table>    <p>    <form name="checkoutForm"     action="/examples/servlet/ShoppingServlet"     method="POST">     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="CHECKOUT">     <input type="submit" name="Checkout" value="Checkout">    </form>    </center>   <% } %>   这里,Cart.jsp操纵着基于会话的购物车的表达,在MVC体系中,购物车就充当Model的角色。   观察Cart.jsp开头处的脚本片段:   <%    Vector buylist = (Vector) session.getValue("shopping.shoppingcart");    if (buylist != null && (buylist.size() > 0)) {   %>   这段脚本主要是从会话中取出购物车。如果购物车是空的或尚未创建,则它什么都不显示;因此,当用户第一次访问这个应用程序时,呈现给他的视图如图3所示:   图3:音乐无国界,主视图   图中按钮文字:放入购物车   如果购物车不为空,则选中的物品被依次从购物车中取出,如下面的脚本片段所示:   <%    for (int index=0; index < buylist.size(); index++) {     CD anOrder = (CD) buylist.elementAt(index);   %>   描述物品的变量一旦被创建,就会被用JSP表达式直接嵌入静态HTML模板中去。图4显示了当用户向购物车中放入一些物品后的视图。   图4:音乐无国界,购物车视图   图中文字:Music Without Borders:音乐无国界;Quantity:数量;ALBUM:唱片;ARTIST:演唱者;COUNTRY:国家;PRICE:价格;Delete:删除;Checkout:结帐。   这里需要注意的重要一点是,在Eshop.jsp和Cart.jsp中实现的对所有动作的处理都由一个servlet――ShoppingServlet.java控制,如代码清单3所示:   代码清单3:ShoppingServlet.java   import java.util.*;   import java.io.*;   import javax.servlet.*;   import javax.servlet.http.*;   import shopping.CD;   public class ShoppingServlet extends HttpServlet {    public void init(ServletConfig conf) throws ServletException {     super.init(conf);    }    public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)      throws ServletException, IOException {     HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);     if (session == null) {      res.sendRedirect("http://localhost:8080/error.html");     }     Vector buylist=      (Vector)session.getValue("shopping.shoppingcart");     String action = req.getParameter("action");     if (!action.equals("CHECKOUT")) {      if (action.equals("DELETE")) {       String del = req.getParameter("delindex");       int d = (new Integer(del)).intValue();       buylist.removeElementAt(d);      } else if (action.equals("ADD")) {       //以前是否购买了同样的cd?       boolean match=false;       CD aCD = getCD(req);       if (buylist==null) {        //将第一张CD放入购物车        buylist = new Vector(); //第一份定单        buylist.addElement(aCD);       } else { // 不是第一次购买        for (int i=0; i< buylist.size(); i++) {         CD cd = (CD) buylist.elementAt(i);         if (cd.getAlbum().equals(aCD.getAlbum())) {          cd.setQuantity(cd.getQuantity()+aCD.getQuantity());          buylist.setElementAt(cd,i);          match = true;         } //if name matches结束        } // for循环结束        if (!match)         buylist.addElement(aCD);       }      }      session.putValue("shopping.shoppingcart", buylist);      String url="/jsp/shopping/EShop.jsp";      ServletContext sc = getServletContext();      RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher(url);      rd.forward(req, res);     } else if (action.equals("CHECKOUT")) {      float total =0;      for (int i=0; i< buylist.size();i++) {       CD anOrder = (CD) buylist.elementAt(i);       float price= anOrder.getPrice();       int qty = anOrder.getQuantity();       total += (price * qty);      }      total += 0.005;      String amount = new Float(total).toString();      int n = amount.indexOf('.');      amount = amount.substring(0,n+3);      req.setAttribute("amount",amount);      String url="/jsp/shopping/Checkout.jsp";      ServletContext sc = getServletContext();      RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher(url);      rd.forward(req,res);     }    }    private CD getCD(HttpServletRequest req) {     //想象一下如果这些都在一个脚本片段中会有多么难看     String myCd = req.getParameter("CD");     String qty = req.getParameter("qty");     StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(myCd,"|");     String album= t.nextToken();     String artist = t.nextToken();     String country = t.nextToken();     String price = t.nextToken();     price = price.replace('$',' ').trim();     CD cd = new CD();     cd.setAlbum(album);     cd.setArtist(artist);     cd.setCountry(country);     cd.setPrice((new Float(price)).floatValue());     cd.setQuantity((new Integer(qty)).intValue());     return cd;    }   }

本文实例讲解JSP Model2体系结构(中)到此结束。朋友用心交,父母拿命孝。小编再次感谢大家对我们的支持!

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